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: performances 2007:

: click here for current news:

December 28: DROID at Monkey Town in Williamsburg.
Live snail hop, meepy-floop and side tempo pound puppy breaks. Massive jam session featuring Liesure Muffin, Charles Cohen and others. Visuals by Housewives Guide to Anatomy, Chris Jordan, David Polenburg and Josh Ott.
$5 - reservations recommended. click here for google map.

December 12: Warper at Supreme Trading,Williamsburg, NYC
Come celebrate Greg Shiff's first release on his new Vacationist label, as well as celebrate Warper's 2nd year anniversary! Joshue Ott will play two sets, one with Gerg Shiff AND another with Tom Hildebrand, plus visualist Daniel Hai will also be there making cool stuff with his open source flash based Onyx program
9pm-1am. FREE!

December 8: Fine Diving 002 Bushwick, NYC
Joshue Ott will perform with Morgan Packard at this new event series that explores the relationship between concert hall and dance floor, performance will include some unexpected things... top secret loft address: 9 White st. Brooklyn, NY (L train to Morgan Ave, or $7 car from Bedford ave)
8pm-midnight. $10 suggested donation, BYOB... sign up for the fine diving mailing list

November 17: Elementary Electricity: new music by Anna Clyne at Roulette, NYC
Four world premieres by Anna Clyne with performances by Electric Kompany, ETHEL, janus trio, The Curly Wurlies and of course, live visuals by Joshue Ott/Superdraw.
Concert starts at 8:30pm. $15/$10 call 212.219.8242 for reservations.

November 2: Son Lux at The Knitting Factory, NYC
Joshue Ott will create visuals as part of Ryan Lott's Son Lux at the Knitting Factory.
show starts at 7:30pm. $13 click here for tickets.

October 21: ACO Orchestra Underground: Hybridity concert at Annenberg Center, Philadelpha, PA
Joshue Ott will accompany Anna Clyne to perform Paint Box, a piece for solo cello, as part of the American Composers Orchestra's Underground series. There's an amazing lineup of music and visuals!
Concert starts at 7:30pm. $25 click here for tickets.

October 19: ACO Orchestra Underground: Hybridity concert at Zankel Hall, Carnegie Hall, NYC
Joshue Ott will accompany Anna Clyne to perform Paint Box, a piece for solo cello, as part of the American Composers Orchestra's Underground series. Besides superDraw's Carnegie Hall debut, there's an amazing lineup of music and visuals- don't miss this one!
Concert starts at 7:30pm. $36-$46 click here for tickets.

October 5: Release Party for Madoromi at Monkey Town in Williamsburg.
Joshue Ott will once again provide 4 walls of superDraw projected visuals in monkey town's amazing space with Ezekiel Honig.
reservations recommended! click here for google map.

September 28: Something in Spanish + The Curlie Wurlies at Monkey Town in Williamsburg.
Joshue Ott plays with the amazing Curly Wurlies in a double header with Something in Spanish.
$10 - reservations recommended! click here for google map.

September 13: {R}ake at Monkey Town in Williamsburg.
{R}ake is a performance series of alternative and collaborative electro-acoustic music and video. Joshue Ott will use superDraw to create visuals for Yoni Niv (laptop), Josh Sinton (baritone sax), and David Grubbs (harmonium). Promises to be a very good combination.
$7 - reservations highly recommended! click here for google map.

September 8: DJ set with Greg Shiff at Heathers, NYC.
Joshue Ott will rock out with Greg Schiff in a DJ set of Greg's eclectic mix of electro-funk music.
10pm - 3am... free?

July 6: Release Party for Airships Fill the Sky/Unsimulatable at Monkey Town in Williamsburg.
Joshue Ott will provide 4 walls of superDraw projected visuals in monkey town's amazing space for both shows. Don't miss this amazing evening of performances!
Early Show 8pm: Ezekiel Honig, Morgan Packard+Joshue Ott.
Late show 10:30pm: The Curly Wurlies, Morgan+Josh.
$8 - reservations highly recommended! click here for google map.

May 6: Live Cinema Nights at King King Los Angeles, CA.
Josh ott and Morgan Packard will perform their collaborative project, Unsimulatable. 9pm-2am 8$.

April 30: Beat Research at The Enormous Room Boston.
Part of the Boston Cyberarts Festival, Josh ott and Morgan Packard will perform their collaborative project, Unsimulatable. FREE!

April 24: Warper at The Delancey, NYC
Josh Ott created visuals for live elecronic music by Tom Hildebrand

Febuary 26: 21st Century Schizoid Music presents Anna Clyne at Cornelia Street Café in NYC.
Josh Ott will use superDraw to perform 3 pieces for Anna Clyne.
set one: Anna Clyne: 5 works for instruments, tape + film
set two: AC and the Curly Wurlies with superdraw visuals.
$10 cover. Details.

Febuary 15: anticipate release party at Galapagos in Williamsburg.
Celebrating the very first release of Anticipate recordings, Mark Templeton's Standing on a Hummingbird. An evening of great music, with superdraw visuals throughout... Live performances will include Mark Templeton, Morgan Packard, and Ezekiel Honig
10pm-2am , 5$.Details.

January 27: Below Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Josh Ott performed with DJ Shakey, DJ Handshake and others at this underground gathering of great music organized by DJ Oddfellow.

January 9: Warper at The Delancey, NYC
Josh Ott make visuals for live elecronic music. Performance included visuals for the ultratalented Matt Moldover in an amazing duo with Jordan Rudess.
8pm to 2am, No cover! click here for google map.

: click here for current news:

click here for 2006 performances

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