: 2010 Performances :
: click here for upcoming performances:
October 17: live performance with Robert Dick, Baruch College, NYC
Multi-flutist Robert Dick celebrates his 60th birthday and hosts a program of performances including visualist Joshue Ott.
October 8: GAFFTA Performance and symposium: San Francisco, CA
live performance with Ezekiel Honig. as well as a rare symposium with Honig discussing live performance, software development and improvisation.
October 2: Bring to Light (Nuit Blanche), NYC
multiDraw installation on display as part of NYC's first Nuit Blanche event!
September 21: Happy Oasis, CultureFix, NYC
live performance with Ezekiel Honig. Beta version of Thicket on display, audience interaction with livePrint.
September 16: Culturehub presents AudioVisual Meditations at Culturehub, NYC
live performance with Ezekiel Honig
limited space, RSVP REQUIRED: To RSVP, send an email with your name and "RSVP" in the subject line to info (at) culturehub.org
August 27-29: performance and Thicket on display at 319 Scholes Brooklyn, NY
live performance at the Shift, and experimental beta version of Thicket on display.
July 29: performance at the Biennial of the Americas, Denver, CO
live performance with Morgan Packard
July 21: Eyebeam visual music workshop NYC
presentation of superDraw, multiDraw, and other various works by Joshue Ott.
June 19: Broketronica, Philadelphia PA
live performance with Morgan Packard
May 14: The Bunker at Public Assembly Williamsburg, NY
Raster Noton night: Byetone,Aoki Takamasa and locals David Last,Alexander Kaline, and Spinoza.
April 18: Dog or God at Roulette NYC
Multi-flutist Robert Dick, visual improviser Joshue Ott, and electronic musician Ezekiel Honig create an immersive, improvised experience, unabashedly journeying from maelstrom to serenity via spontaneous emotional ports of call...
April 9-25: Multi-User Art at Devotion Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Multi-User Art reimagines the gallery for the age of the iPhone, with a set of installations that invite multiplayer action from showgoers' own mobile devices. The show features artists at the forefront of establishing open standards by which mobile gadgets can interact creatively.
Two workshops will explore how these pieces communicate with devices: Devotion Gallery.
February 25-27: View Partially Obstructed at Agora De La Danse, Montreal, Canada
View Partially Obstructed, an evening-length piece choreographed by Gina Gibney, explores the power of what cannot be seen or known for our vision is always limited by numerous factors, both physical and psychological. This new work will feature original music by Ryan Lott, live animation by superDraw/Joshue Ott, costumes and scenic design by Lex Liang, and lighting design by Kathy Kaufmann.
February 8: Anticipate Night at Unsound Festival Brooklyn, NY
Joshue Ott will create live visuals for an evening of performances with Sawako, Ezekiel Honig, Borne, and Alexander Kaline.
8pm $10-directions.
January 2: live performance at Devotion Gallery Brooklyn, NY
an evening of amazing music with Smirk, Ezekiel Honig, Morgan Packard. livePrint in action here, see the images the audience selected from the performances here: (coming soon)
click here for past performances
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